“Get up you sorry son of a bitch!” yelled the sheriff.
Alexander woke up with a jolt. Three men stood over him. The sheriff stood in front laughing.
“Let’s go for a walk,” said the sheriff.
Two men picked Alexander up and dragged him down a dark seemingly endless corridor. A third man was walking just behind him muttering a prayer of sorts: “Though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death...”
His adrenaline was pumping while his breathing became shallow and erratic. Beads of sweat, forming under his brow flowed relentlessly into his eyes. The corridor led out to an open area. There in the center was a wooden structure with stairs leading up to a platform. A rope was hanging from the structure. It took a couple of minutes for Alexander to realize what the structure really was. He had never seen gallows before. Although, he’d read about them in adventure books. The pain in his leg was excruciating. It had broken when the stagecoach overturned during the robbery. Alexander was limping. Two men were holding him as he hobbled his way up the ramp. The sheriff was walking behind Alexander.
“Please let me see my son,” Alexander said with an air of resignation.
They climbed up the stairs and were nearly to the hanging rope - the sheriff leaned over and whispered into Alexander’s ear, “I shot him in the head. The fool was going to go back home with you. Now you can go join that son of a bitch in hell.”
The others did not hear those icy words that stabbed at Alexander’s heart. His eyes widened with shock as his body tensed with rage. The sheriff was laughing when Alexander lunged at him. The men escorting Alexander fumbled as the sheriff fell to the ground. Alexander pummeled the sheriff’s face. The two men recovered and pulled Alexander off the sheriff. The red-faced sheriff jumped to his feet and planted his tightly clenched fist squarely on Alexander’s face. Blood began to flow down Alexander’s now broken nose.
Book Preview


The Sheriff

Chapter 1
The Hanging
